Smart Shorts
Generation 3
Smart Shorts can measure your shape in 3D and
find denim brands, models and sizes to fit you best.
Smart Shorts
Generation 3
Smart Shorts can measure your shape in 3D and find denim brands, models and sizes to fit you best.
A revolutionary jeans shopping solution
Meet your Denim Cupid.
Shop by Shape and not by Size.
Smart Shorts
Smart Shorts can measure your shape in 3D. Put the shorts on and each square will stretch proportionately to your shape.
Next, slide our scanner over the squares, it will measure their shape with incredible 0.015″ precision and create a 3D avatar.
Smart Shorts
Smart Shorts can measure your shape in 3D. Put the shorts on and each square will stretch proportionately to your shape.
Next, slide our scanner over the squares and it will measure their shape with incredible 0.015″ precision and create a 3D avatar.
Your Perfect Jeans
Next, our app matches your shape to jeans and out of thousands of items finds brands, models and sizes that fit you perfectly.
We are not promoting any brand. All our recommendations are based on best fit.
Your Perfect Jeans
Next, our app matches your shape to jeans and out of thousands of items finds brands, models and sizes that fit you perfectly.
We are not promoting any brand. All our recommendations are based on best fit.
Shopping Online?
Don’t order three sizes. App already knows what fits your shape. Order different items in the recommended size and keep the one you love the most.
Shopping online?
Don’t order three sizes. App already knows what fits your shape. Order different items in the recommended size and keep the one you love the most.
In a Mall?
Open our app, filter out brands that are in that mall and the app will tell you what model and size to try on in each store. It will save you time and find a much better fit.
In a Mall?
Open our app, filter out brands that are in that mall and the app will tell you what model and size to try on in each store. It will save you time and find a much better fit.
Brands in the Catalog
We cataloged jeans in 3D, including their stretch and shape effects, of:
Levi’s, American Eagle, Old Navy, Guess, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Lucky Brand, True Religion, Uniqlo, Joe’s, Hudson, Paige.
Brands in the Catalog
We cataloged jeans in 3D, of next brands: Levi’s, American Eagle, Old Navy, Guess, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Lucky Brand, True Religion, Uniqlo, Joe’s, Hudson, Paige.
It's also a fitness tracker
See your body shape changes over months and years in stunning 3D.
Ditch the scale
When you work out you often replace fat with muscle and your weight might stay the same or even go up. Ditch the scale and let the weight be over.
Ditch the scale
When you work out you often replace fat with muscle and your weight might stay the same or even go up. Ditch the scale and let the weight be over.
Track lifetime changes
Your body and your life go through significant transformations. Cherish these moments. See how your body is changing over the years and decades.
Track lifetime changes
Your body and your life go through significant transformations. Cherish these moments. See how your body is changing over the years and decades.