Smart Shorts
Generation 3
Smart Shorts can measure your shape in 3D.
A new way to track your fitness progress
and discover best fitting jeans.
Smart Shorts
Generation 3
Shorts can measure your shape in 3D.
A new way to track your fitness progress and discover best fitting jeans.

A totally new way to track your fitness progress
See your body shape changes over months and years in stunning 3D.
Ditch the scale
When you work out you often replace fat with muscle and your weight might stay the same or even go up. Ditch the scale and let the weight be over.
Ditch the scale
When you work out you often replace fat with muscle and your weight might stay the same or even go up. Ditch the scale and let the weight be over.
Measure Your Shape
Smart Shorts can measure your shape. See your body shape changes over the months and years and stay motivated with the measurements that matter.
Measure your Shape
Smart Shorts measure your shape. See your body shape changes over the months and years and stay motivated with the measurements that matter.
Discover what works
Your body is like no body else’s and that’s beautiful. Track which foods and workouts impact your shape the most.
Discover what works
Your body is like no body else’s and that’s beautiful. Track which foods and exercises impact your shape the most.
Track lifetime changes
Your body and your life go through significant transformations. Cherish these moments. See how your body is changing over the years and decades.
Track lifetime changes
Your body and your life go through significant transformations. Cherish these moments. See how your body is changing over the years and decades.
A revolutionary jeans shopping solution
Shop by Shape and not by Size. Discover Jeans that fit you perfectly.
Your Perfect Jeans
App can also match your shape to the shape of jeans and find specific brands, models and sizes to fit you best.
We are not promoting any brand. It’s all based on best fit.
Your Perfect Jeans
App can also match your shape to the shape of jeans and find specific brands, models and sizes to fit you best.
We are not promoting any brand. It’s all based on best fit.
Truly an engineering breakthrough
3rd Generation Smart Shorts feature unprecedented accuracy of measuring.
How Shorts Work
Slip the shorts on and each square will stretch proportionately to your shape.